About BPAC
The Durham Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) is a citizens group whose purpose it is to advise Durham’s City Council and Board of County Commissioners on bicycle and pedestrian issues.
In order to provide health, recreation, and transportation benefits to the City and County, the Commission shall study and promote the following:
- the full integration of bicycling and walking into community transportation policies and practices;
- incentives for increasing bicycling and walking;
- best practices in bicycling and walking facilities development;
- bicycle and pedestrian programs designed for children and seniors;
- bicycle touring as economic development for the community;
- safety programs for bicycling and walking;
- physical and mental health benefits of walking and bicycling; and
- funding for bicycle and pedestrian programs and facilities.
The commission has the following specific powers and duties:
- To advise the City and County on bicycle and pedestrian issues;
- To educate and inform the public and local officials on bicycle and pedestrian issues;
- To perform special studies and projects as requested by the City and/or County on bicycle and pedestrian questions, including reviewing development plans and site plans which will have a significant impact on bicycle and pedestrian transportation;
- To facilitate citizen participation in local governments’ consideration of matters involving bicycle and pedestrian questions;
- To study changes in laws, regulations, and best practices concerning bicycle and pedestrian issues and to advise the City and County with respect to such changes;
- To promote intergovernmental and public/private cooperation and coordination on bicycle and pedestrian matters;
- To advise the public and the City and County on matters affecting the relationship between bicycle and pedestrian transportation and parks, schools, transit stops, and other major facilities;
- To perform other such duties as may be assigned to it by the City and/or County; and
- To adopt Rules of Procedure, consistent with this Agreement, for the orderly dispatch of its business.
The commission consists of 17 voting members with six members appointed by the Durham City Council and six appointed by the Durham County Commissioners. The remaining five voting members are liaisons from other commissions (Planning, Open Space and Trails, and Recreation) and from Duke and N.C. Central universities. BPAC also has several non-voting liaison members, including one from the County Commissioners and another from the City Council.
Click here for the BPAC membership list.
The public is always invited to our monthly meetings, 7:00 pm, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, City Hall Committee Room. The agenda for the upcoming meeting is usually posted a week prior.
A schedule of BPAC and committee meetings for 2013 is posted here. Check the Durham Bike and Pedestrian Listserv for last minute announcements about meetings or changes to the schedule.
See the Committees page for a description of BPAC’s four committees.
Click here for a copy of our by-laws.